Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Believe to WIN

I had wanted to connect with & u all lot before but in between lots of travel and year ending for formalities , I could not. Tomorrow is the special day for all of us in India as we take on & Australia in the ICC world Cup Cricket finals.

Cricket is said to be religion in India .I say in India cause it’s not only the 11 players of the cricket team but the whole country along with millions of Indians across the world will be playing the match at Sydney Cricket Ground, with the team.

And this also brings me to the continuation on of my last post year ending Targets and pressure. With almost only 6 days left to go, once again I say millions and millions of people in sales around the globe will be holding their grit and making their last minute efforts to achieve the target allotted.

At this point I would say it is not only all the hard work done up till now will work but also passion towards sales, mental strength and mentally brave people will survive and win.

Ideally after a yearlong spell of hard work these last 5-6 days should be the time to sit and reap the benefits of the hard work done in past. But ideally this does not happens. So then the question arises what should the sales people do-

  • Focus and make sure what they exactly want as no one can hit their target with closed eyes.
  • Do not stop…………….. If there is a will, there is still time left to reach the goal.
  • And remember, person who wins is the person who believes he can win!!

As we all are glued to our television sets for the big match between India & Australia and for the Indian Team it’s all the hard work done in past with a cool mind will work.

This week we also bid farewell to LEE KVAN YEW founding father of Singapore whose words will always be a part of history -

Even if you are going to lower me into the grave and I feel something going wrong. I will get up.

 Don’t let anything go Wrong Team India !!

We wish the team to have a strong determination to win with pressure of mind on the field.


1 comment:

  1. Than you for posting it today, I have a crucial session today on SIP. I am sure going to use a lot of things from here.. !!
